Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Test

Well I took the test; and it say's I'm Elrond. Although I'd rather be the agent from The Matrix, but same actor.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Friday, October 07, 2005

New planets!

From the time I was a wee lad (which oviously was a long time ago, if I use the term 'wee lad') there have always been 9 planets. Sure, we all knew that Pluto was just a little rock that bearly counted.

But now they have found a new planet; Number 10. They're calling it Xena, which is cool, and it even has a moon which they're calling Gabrielle which is even cooler.

Now you can look up in the sky and know that Xena and Gabrielle are up there forever obiting each other. Which I'm sure is giving Sam Raimi no end of mirth.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Still no pictures.

I'm still in the process of getting pictures uploaded to show some of the projects that are in the works here in the office.

I've got three clocks to finsh up; one binary and two nixie. Plus I now have everything I need for the Baby Bubble Machine.

A quick note about invisable technology. Here at the baby play ground, I've installed a NAS (Network Attach Storage). It's basically a hard drive that attaches to the the house LAN (seriously doesn't everyone have a Local Area Network in their house) and provides 160Gig of storage. Video, Music and pictures. Reguardless of which computer I'm on; I can always get to my files.

Now the question: why doesn't Sony or Microsoft figure this out, and add this to their next line of console games? Play your video game from anywhere.