Monday, February 20, 2006

The big dog!

Now the proto-type is up and running I was able to work and finish the big version.

Ta-da! The two clocks are based around most of the same stuff, except I used a 1.04 version of the Nixieclock driver board. The technical reason has to do with how the power supply works between the two version. Nothing wrong with the newer version, just needed (I felt) more amps for the larger tubes. Fun fact about this clock, since I needed to wire up the P/S, I used and old joystick cable from an Atari 5200 for that. :)

To give you an idea of how much larger this clock is compared to the proto-type:

The glowing fading numbers look better than I could have hoped for.
BTW, the other different between the two clocks is the tube source. I picked up these 6 IN-18 tubes from E-Bay. So that was a big price saver.

Only one more Nixie clock to go. But I have to finish up the Binary clock first. It's got to go cross-country here real quick.

It lives!

The proto-type of the third generation of Nixie Clock is now running along.

This clock is built using a 1.08 version of Nixieclocks clock kit.

A wraped is a very nice K8 case provided by Klokworks.

IN 8-2 tubes provided (as always) by Jan of AskJan 1st.

Here's what it looks like glowing:

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Taged at long last.

The Knitting Yogini tagged me…

4 Jobs you have had in your life:
Trained Monkey for HBUSD
Computer Tech for CompUSA
Software Developer for Interplay
Enterprise Architect for Option One

4 Movies you could watch over and over:
Full Metal Jacket
The Matrix (1)
The Crow (1)

4 Places you have lived:

4 TV shows you love to watch:
My Name is Earl
Battlestar Galactica
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis

4 Places you have been on vacation:
Bern, Switzerland
London, England
Milan, Italy
Mt. Olympus, Greece

4 Websites you visit daily:

4 of your favorite foods:
Cannelloni from Scarantino’s
Pork fried rice from Gong’s
Spaghetti with Browned Butter and Mizithra Cheese
In-and-Out double/double with grilled onions

4 Places you’d rather be right now:
Relaxing on a white sandy beach
Hiking in a forest
Reading in a Library
Drinking Newcastle in a Jacuzzi

4 Bloggers you are tagging:
I choose to tag no-one. This chain dies with me! Bring on the seven years of bad luck! Everyone I might Tag has been taged.