Saturday, November 17, 2007

One last piece of cool.

I was fortunate to be able to pick up my brothers old phone; which means it is a wicked smart new phone. It’s a HTC Trinity, and lord above I have no idea why you would replace this phone.

Short of washing my socks this phone does everything; and that only because I don’t know how to make it wash them.

As always I wasn’t too sure of buying a new phone; I had spent so much time picking the old one. That when by Bro offer to sell it to me I was going to say no. But the wife said I should get it; after all she could start using my old one.

It’s like a vacation.

But with way more work. You may have noticed that I haven’t been post as much; you may have also noticed that when the sun goes down it gets dark. My only excuse (and it is an excuse) is that the new job is a hassle. Seems every project is due tomorrow and we ship the day after.

Anyway this is about to change.


While I will still post here (but even less) my other blog “Ground Zero Labs” is about to pick up. Big time!

See ya in the funnies.