Monday, February 26, 2007

Take this job

I can hear the refrains of Willie Nelson: “Lost my job again, I can’t wait get a job again…” But yes; after getting laid off from one Mortgage Company (that I’ll refer to as Option nOne); I knew I didn’t want to get another job at a mortgage, but low-and-behold I did just that.

For the last couple of months I’ve been gainfully employed with at a second company. To be fair it’s wasn’t a mortgage company when I interviewed (or even for the first month I worked there). But they made there move into the highly charged world or mortgage. And now it’s folded, and I’m out of work… again…

But not all is lost; if everything pans out correctly, I should be re-employed in a week or so. Knock on wood. And this time; there is no way, mortgage is involed.

Monday, February 12, 2007

When I grow up.

I want to frighten the neighborhood children; I think having these might do it.

Now I just have to find a way to buy them....